Our Policies

Standards of Ethical Conduct and California Education Code Parental Notification Requirements

Everyday Ibaadah Academy Policies and Notifications:

I. Standards of Ethical Conduct

Everyday Ibaadah Academy is committed to the highest ethical standards and conduct. All instructional personnel and administrators are required to abide by the following ethical principles:

1. Our primary concern is the student and we aim to help each student develop to their fullest potential. We strive for professional growth and exercise our best professional judgment through integrity.

2. We value every stakeholder, the pursuit of truth, aspire for excellence, acquisition of knowledge, and nurturing of digital citizenship. 

3. We strive to make reasonable efforts to protect students from conditions of harm, harassment, cyberbullying, and digital violence for the preservation of their socio-emotional wellness, physical health and safety.

4. We encourage the development of critical thinking skills, learner autonomy, and authenticity. We do not unreasonably restrain a student from independent action in pursuit of learning or deny a student access to diverse points of view.

5. We aim to protect students from exposure to unnecessary embarrassment, harm and/or disparagement.

6. We shall not harass or discriminate against any student or staff member on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, national or ethnic origin, political beliefs, marital status, disability, or social and family background. We shall make reasonable efforts to assure that each student is protected from harassment or discrimination.

7. We shall keep in confidence personally identifiable information obtained in the course of professional service, unless disclosure serves professional purposes or is required by law.

8. We shall maintain honesty in all professional dealings and not interfere with a colleague's exercise of political or civil rights and responsibilities.

9. We shall not make malicious or intentionally false statements about a colleague.

10. Students have a right not to be subjected to harassment, sexual harassment, bullying or discrimination, indignity, injury, or violence. (California Education Code Section 200)

II. Reporting Misconduct

All employees and administrators have an obligation to report misconduct by instructional personnel and school administrators which affects the health, safety, or welfare of a student. Examples of misconduct include obscene language, drug and alcohol use, disparaging comments, prejudice or bigotry, sexual innuendo, cheating or testing violations, physical aggression, and accepting or offering favors. 

Reports of misconduct committed by employees should be made to the Principal. Reports of misconduct by administrators should be made to the Directors. All reports will be investigated promptly.

III. California Education Code Parental Notification Requirements 

Everyday Ibaadah Academy adheres to the following California Education Code requirements for parental notification and ensures information is provided in student/parent handbooks and

policy notifications:

1. Section 48980 - Annual Notification of Rights and Responsibilities

     At the beginning of each school year, parents/guardians will be notified of their rights and  

     responsibilities under various Education Code sections. This includes information on:

   - Availability of individualized instruction (EC 48206.3)

   - Schedule of minimum days and pupil-free staff development days

   - Policy on sexual harassment

   - Statutory attendance options and local attendance options

   - High school graduation requirements, procedures, policies, and exit exam requirements 

     (for students in grade 12)

2. Section 48205 - Excused Absences  

    Parents will be notified that students may be excused from school for justifiable personal 

    reasons, including but not limited to:

   - Illness

   - Medical/dental appointments

   - Funeral services for immediate family

   - Jury duty

   - Religious observances

     Students shall be allowed to complete all assignments and tests missed during an excused 


3. Section 49063-49079 - Pupil Records

    Parents will be notified annually of their rights regarding pupil records, including:

   - Types of records maintained 

   - Location of records

   - Criteria for persons allowed to access records

   - Procedures for challenging content of records

   - Cost for reproducing copies of records

   - Categories of information designated as directory information

4. Section 49423 - Administration of Medication

    Parents will be notified of policies regarding administration of medication at Hybrid locations       


   - Procedures for providing written authorization 

   - Requirements for assistance by school personnel

   - Student self-administration of medication

5. Section 49451 - Physical Examinations  

    Parents may file a written statement annually to exempt their child from physical 

    examinations at school. Students may be excluded from Hybrid locations if believed to be 

    suffering from a contagious disease.

6. Section 48980(c) - Minimum Days and Student Free Staff Development Days  

   Parents will be notified of the schedule of minimum days and student-free staff development  

  days at the beginning of the school year or as early as possible, but no later than one month 

  prior to the scheduled minimum or student-free day.

7. Section 51229 - College Admission Requirements and Career Technical Education 

    Parents of students in grades 9-12 will receive annual notification on:

   - A brief explanation of college admission requirements

   - A list of current US and International websites by state including but not limited to UC and 

     CSU options

   - A brief description of career technical education requirements by state

   - The CDE website for career technical education

8. Section 200 - Educational Equity

    Students have a right to equal rights and opportunities in educational institutions regardless   

    of disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, nationality, race or ethnicity, 

    religion, orientation, or any other characteristic listed in Section 422.55 of the Penal 


9. Section 201 - Policy of the State

    It is the policy of the State of California to afford all persons in public schools, regardless of 

    their disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, nationality, race or ethnicity, 

    religion, orientation, or any other characteristic listed in Section 422.55 of the Penal 

    Code, equal rights and opportunities in the educational institutions of the state.

11. Section 220 - Prohibition of Discrimination

     No person shall be subjected to discrimination on the basis of disability, gender, nationality, 

     race or ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic listed in Section 

    422.55 of the Penal Code in any program or activity conducted by an educational institution 

    that receives, or benefits from, state financial assistance or enrolls pupils who receive state 

    student financial aid.

 Everyday Ibaadah Academy is committed to maintaining open communication with parents and guardians. Questions regarding these policies and notifications may be directed to the school administration via email at learning@everydayibaadahacademy.com.