We have one purpose in raising money.
Creating opportunities for EDIA student's enrichment, sponsorship, tuition-assistance and materials fees. Your support can go a long way to help PK-12th grade learners thrive academically in a safe, nurturing, and Islamic learning environment.
Write your awesome label here.
Where Does Your Donation Go?
Every donation that we receive goes 100% towards helping make learning possible for students at EDIA. Contributions given can help cover the cost of tuition for students on 30% reduced or need based tuition assistance. About 25% of our families apply for assistance due to circumstances beyond their control. We assist them with being able to partake in instructional services, however we also have expenses for daily operation of our school, and teacher salaries.
What Additional Areas Can Your Donation Fund?
As we work towards improving curriculum and instruction we seek to raise funds that can assist us with the development of our very own PK-12 curriculum we have been working on since 2017 under our publishing company, Everyday Ibaadah. As a digital school, we are always working on various initiatives to integrate technology with learning so that we can maximize student's learning outcomes.