High School Program
Why earn a US High School Diploma from the comfort of your home?
"Success, once first imagined, can become something real"
High School Graduation Requirements
- English: 4 credits
- Math: 3 credits (including Algebra, Geometry)
- Science: 3 credits (including Biology and Physical Science, Earth Science, Chemistry, or Physics)
- Social studies: 3 credits (including World History, U.S. History, Government and Economics)
- Physical Education: 2.5 credits (including Health)
- Electives: 8 credits (including Islamic Studies, Quran, Arabic, Coding, Financial Literacy, Life Skills)
Here is what we will cover in
HS courses
9th Grade
10th Grade
Electives (1-2)
11th Grade
12th Grade
College Readiness & ICGSE
Would you like to learn more about High School enrollment?Join us for an information session!
Why enroll at EDIA?
- Safe learning environment
- Virtual and Hybrid Options
- Learning environments that reflects authentic Islamic Studies enrichment and study of the Quran
- Arabic instruction
- Gender-based classes for live instruction
- Small to average class sizes
- College and Career Development
- Study skills and assessments
- Accelerated learning options
- Credit recovery options
Live Classes with Experienced Teachers
if taught by qualified staff
Unique Learning Paths
Academic Counseling
College and Career Readiness
Flexible Schedule
Self-Paced Options to Accelerate or Catch-Up in Credits
Standard-based Curriculum for 9-12th Grade
Illustrative Math K-12
Illustrative Math K–12 Math is a problem-based core curriculum designed to address content and practice standards to foster learning for all. Students learn by doing math, solving problems in mathematical and real-world contexts, and constructing arguments using precise language.
Common Lit 360
Common Lit is a comprehensive ELA curriculum for grades 9-12 comes with a professional learning component, data tracking tools, and wraparound support to allow for a seamless adoption. CommonLit 360 is research-backed and evidence-based in supporting reading growth across middle and high school students. Additionally, CommonLit 360 for middle school received all-green ratings from EdReports in 2024.
CK-12 High School Social Studies Content
CK-12 Flex Books for US History, World History and Geography, US Government and Economics provide fully customizable, digital textbooks which offer the best content for students and teachers related to HS social studies. Content is aligned with common core state standards. Viewable on Chromebooks, laptops, tablets, smartphones or desktops, FlexBooks are standards-aligned and ready to be localized to engage students.
CK-12 Flex Books
for Health
Teen Literacy Health is a fully customizable, digital text books which offer the best content for students and teachers related to science and health. Content is aligned with Next Generation Science Standards. Viewable on Chromebooks, laptops, tablets, smartphones or desktops, FlexBooks are standards-aligned and ready to be localized to engage students.
Physical Education
Neomours KidsHealth in the Classroom offers educators health-related lesson plans for preschool through 12th grade. Each Teacher's Guide includes discussion questions, classroom activities and extensions, printable handouts, and quizzes with answer keys—all aligned to National Health Education Standards. Used for Physical Education classes. The FitnessGram PACER Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The test is used to measure a student's aerobic capacity as part of the FitnessGram assessment.
CK-12 Flex Books for Science
CK-12 Chemistry for High School FlexBook® covers core chemistry concepts and includes SIMs, PLIX, real world examples, and videos.CK-12 Biology for High School FlexBook® covers core biology concepts and includes PLIX, real world examples, videos, and study guides.Earth Science For High School covers the study of Earth - its minerals and energy resources, processes inside and on its surface, its past, water, weather and climate, the environment and human actions, and astronomy.