Middle School Program

Grades 6-8

Highlights of the Program:

Classes are held live with some self-paced elective options.

    Boys and girls classes taught separately

    Male and female instructors

Positive and nurturing learning environment

Middle School Program Requirements

6th Grade

(6 classes required)
MS English 6
MS Math 6
MS Social Studies
MS Science 6
MS Physical Education (PE)
*2 Electives

Helping students reach goals:

Student success is a priority at EDIA. Our classes are designed to provide learning of grade level content and skills in a traditional, hands-on and project-based approach. 

7th Grade

(6 classes required)
MS English 7
MS Math 7
MS Social Studies
MS Science 7
MS Physical Education (PE)
MS Health
* 2 Electives

Elective Offerings:

We offer live and self-paced elective options for students
to choose from.

*SP: self-paced
*Leveled classes: Arabic & Quran 
*8th grade students can receive HS credit for completion of MS Advanced Arabic 4 with grade of C or higher.

8th Grade

(6 classes required)
MS English 8
MS Math 8 or High School Alg 1.
MS Social Studies
MS Science 8
MS Physical Education (PE)
*2 Electives

Electives Choices:

Intensive Hifdh
Islamic Studies
Business/Life Skills
Financial Literacy

Standard-based Curriculum Used for 6-8

Illustrative Math K–12 Math is a problem-based core curriculum designed to address content and practice standards to foster learning for all. Students learn by doing math, solving problems in mathematical and real-world contexts, and constructing arguments using precise language.

CKHG and Civics the history and geography curriculum
materials aim to prepare students to actively participate in a democratic society. Within all CKHG American History titles, every Teacher Guide includes a feature called The Pathway to Citizenship.

Illustrative  Mathematics K-12 Curriculum
Core Knowledge History and Geography

Common Lit is a comprehensive ELA curriculum for grades 6-12 comes with a professional learning component, data tracking tools, and wraparound support to allow for a seamless adoption. CommonLit 360 is research-backed and evidence-based in supporting reading growth across middle and high school students. Additionally, CommonLit 360 for middle school received all-green ratings from EdReports in 2024.

Core Knowledge
Language Arts (CKLA) offers early exposure to many of the same core ideas as CKSci, supporting a student’s learning progression toward an ever more complex understanding of science.

Common Lit 360 & Core Knowledge Language Arts
CK-12 Flex Books: HealthCorps - Skills For A Healthy Me is a fully customizable, digital text
books which offer the best content for students
and teachers related to middle school health. Content is aligned with common core state standards. Viewable on Chromebooks, laptops, tablets, smartphones or desktops, FlexBooks are standards-aligned and ready to be localized to engage students. 

Neomours KidsHealth in the Classroom
offers educators health-related lesson plans for preschool through 12th grade. Each Teacher's Guide includes discussion questions, classroom activities and extensions, printable handouts, and quizzes with answer keys — all aligned to National Health Education Standards. Used for Physical Education classes.

CK-12 Flex Books

Nemours Tools for Healthy Schools

Core Knowledge Middle School Science is an enhanced republication of the OpenSciEd Middle School Project. The OpenSciEd Project implements the recommendations of the National Research Council in its 2012 Framework for K–12 Science Education (National Research Council, 2012) and the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). The objective of the OpenSciEd Project is to create and disseminate instructional materials that implement the approach to science teaching and learning that has come to be known as three-dimensional science learning since the release of these documents. Core Knowledge Middle School Science adds a wealth of science literacy reading and activity to the OSE program.

Core Knowledge Middle School Science