Principal's Weekly Message

As Salaamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Baarakatuhu,
In sha Allah this message finds you well.
We pray that your family is healthy and enjoying the fruits of Iman. Ameen.

We hope all students have successfully attended all their classes and are able to upload assignments to Think wave. FYI: Your student should upload a minimum of one assignment per subject every week.

Reminder: If your student is still without necessary resources, please reach out by email to your child’s teacher(s). And, if you are unsure whether your family has access to Thinkwave, please check your email for an invitation. If you haven’t received your invitation, please contact Ms. Madany at

Thank you parents, for partnering with your teachers to ensure the success of your student(s).
Jazakum Allahu Khaira