Principal's Weekly Message

As Salaamu Alaikum wa Rahmatulillahi wa Baarakatuhu,
In sha Allah this message finds you well.

This week is `Parent Teacher Conferences which takes place on Thursday, October 28, 2921. This is a student free day. Parents you will be given an opportunity to meet with your child’s core teacher and discuss the progress of your student in a face-to-face Zoom meeting.
Please look for a shared document in your email. To complete the document and secure your desired time slot: select one time, input your name and the name of your student on the appropriate line and it is done. Make sure to sign up next to the time that is most convenient for you. The time zones will be in KSA and EST, please check them against your time zone. If you do not receive the document by Sunday, October 24, 2021, please contact your child’s core teacher.

Another important piece of information needed by you is the upcoming time change that will take place in the US, Canada, United Kingdom, and Jordan, time will fall back one hour. Schedule changes will start as early as October 31, 2021, please look for new schedules in your school email.