As Salaamu Alaiki EDIA families,
In sha Allah this message finds you in good health and with strong Iman.
This week every EDIA student will take part in the end of the year assessments in all of their courses
We ask that you ensure your child gets a good night sleep and eat a well balanced meal, please limit sugary snacks and drinks. Students should not eat during any test, so make sure they wake up in time to have a nice nutritional meal and if time permits a healthy snack.
We ask that you ensure your child gets a good night sleep and eat a well balanced meal, please limit sugary snacks and drinks. Students should not eat during any test, so make sure they wake up in time to have a nice nutritional meal and if time permits a healthy snack.
We are excited to tell you that EDIA will offer summer school starting June 20, 2021 and ending July 15, 2021. There is an announcement posted with details and points of contact.
We would like to thank you for your dedication and cooperation with EDIA during the 2020-2021 school year and we look forward to serving your family during the coming school year.
Jazakum Allahu Khaira
E. Jamilah Reese EDIA principal
( 966 54 000 2469) WhatsApp